We Need Your Help
Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis is a nationally syndicated radio show in Portland, OR.
Since 2020, we have used Rovidx Media to maintain our digital platform, Aftermath.
Media and our original website, groundzeromedia.org.
Unfortunately, they have not been forthright with their financial records about the number of memberships and the amount of money coming in.
This has negatively impacted the finances of the Ground Zero staff, and in turn, has put us in a very stressful situation.
Clyde had to get a lawyer to assist in litigation between him and Rob Davenport, the owner of Rovidx Media.
Rob is abruptly taking down Aftermath. Media by March 1 while not providing our subscribers with refunds after that date.
Consequently, we have to scramble and put together a new online platform without any money coming in.
This is why we need your help.
We deeply appreciate your support.
Thank you so much, Clyde Lewis
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