We are now making available our sign-up section for the GROUND ZERO PLUS membership – it’s our new private digital playground.
You’ll get archived shows, backstage chat room access, Convo with Clyde, Zoom webinars, the Ground Zero Files, membership support, and coming soon, Ground Zero TV.
There are 2 plans – $10 monthly and $95 yearly.
For existing members or former Aftermath members, there is a section for you to put in your details so we can help process your membership more promptly.
We also want you to know that we will honor your previous subscription plan.
Now, the official launch of the membership section of Ground Zero Plus will be on April 1, which is the 30th birthday of Ground Zero.
The regular website will be open as well. We think this is less confusing for our fans because we had 3 websites before, which at times made it difficult to navigate.
And remember, for this month, the archived shows are free for everyone to access. This is a work in progress as we add more content every day.
We also have a 24/7 audio stream that plays our live broadcast along with your other favorite podcasters.
Thanks you veru much – Clyde Lewis

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